Encyclopedia Sabrina (Norma Ann Sykes)

The Life of Sabrina

Norma Ann Sykes

19 May 1936 - 24 November 2016

The life of Sabrina (Norma Ann Sykes) is a fascinating farrago of fact, fantasy, photos, films, fiction, failures, fantastic feats, fables, and fabrications.

This biography, begun in 1998, is built on many sources. It began with notes from Sir H and has been augmented with information from magazines, newspapers, people who knew Sabby, and my interviews with Sabrina , and many kind contributors, like those who washed her car or treated her breasts for Australian sunburn.

Yes, that happened.

There is no guarantee that any of these facts is 100% accurate: it's the weird inconsistencies in the Sabrina story that make it so interesting.

Just please stop ripping off my twenty years of research and passing it off as your own work. Please credit Mark at Encyclopedia Sabrina - https://sabrina.nylon.net

The Life of Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes


A Sabrina Incident When you see the Sabrina Incident Icon it means there is a special, dedicated page with much more information on this incident in Sabrina's life.
Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes Indicates a newspaper article. These rely heavily on the use of OCR on sometimes very poorly scanned newspaper archives. There will be transcription errors that I have missed: if you notice one, please let me know.
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What's with the gold keys? Find out about the old B.O.O.B.S, society. These are being phased out, starting in 2024.

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