Encyclopedia Sabrina (Norma Ann Sykes)

Contact me at Encyclopedia Sabrina

Sabrina's Advertisements


Sabrina was a surpassingly physical drawcard. Eyes would be guaranteed to be fixated on whatever was in front of Sabrina, and that made admen salivate. Even blind men could see when Sabrina pointed to merchandise... especially when she didn't use her fingers to do the pointing.

Hereunder, please find some delicious examples of the Power of Sabrina's Pointing at Products .

Bullet10 December 1955 - Daily Mirror


It's the latest Sabrina fashion idea!

It's the latest Sabrina fashion idea!

Pop a snippet of the dress of the moment into each transparent Sabrina ear-ring and presto! ONE pair of ear-rings matches your clothes always! Also match your nail-varnish, lipstick or boy friend's tie!

Send P.O. now to Dept. A6, Sabrina Jewellery Ltd, Guildhall Building, Stephenson Street, Birmingham 2. 4 shillings per pair. Post Free.


10 April 1956


With a figure like Sabrina's, it was guaranteed that companies would take advantage of her name.

Bulletin and Scots Pictorial, 10 April 1956, p 17

Bra ad using Sabrina''s name 1956

(As always, click to enlarge)




Our Sabrina is not specified, but surely this ad is capitalising on her name.

Sabrine swimwear ad

And here too

Bullet 6 Feb 1957


Sabrina appeared at Peter Robinson's women's fashion store to promote a non-staining cotton fabric.

Click the pic to read more of this unstained incident.

Sabrina demonstrates stain-resistant fabric




I love this one. Meet the 1957 Sabrina caravan ! As the ad says, it's "the van for the family man with three children." More like - it's the van for the man when the wife and three children are out of town!

Sabrina sells the Bluebird caravan 1957

Another ad, which confirms that the typedface used in the Sabrina name was not a coincidence.

Sabrina sells caravans


September 1958

Special Offer!

Sabrina photographs for sale
200 Large Glossy Sabrina Photos!
8x10", 5x7" and 4x5"
Only $1*

*Offer closes December 1958.

Curses! Only missed it by 44 years...

I believe this ad is from 'Picture Scope', a British mag from September 1958. But the ad is from a USA company. Odd.

Bullet19 February 1959 - The Age

So Long Melbourne. Thank you, Kay's

Sabrina's Kay Rental Car 1959

Lovely Sabrina in her Kay's Rental Car

Like so many visiting personalities, lovely Sabrina used a car from Kay's Drive Yourself Cars when she had shipped her own Vauxhall to Sydney. Before she went she complimented Mr. Kay on his extensive range of first-class motor cars.

You don't have to be an International figure to use a Kay's car. Their prices are within everybody's reach, and their tradition of service has made them Australia's and New Zealand's leading rental car organisation. So, for long term or short term rental, get the best car at the best price from Kay's, Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. Phone MU7777.

Bullet 21 April 1959 - "Figures don't Lie," says Sabrina. You'll get more out of a Morris from Peter Lloyd's."

Sabrina - Morris Car ad 1959

Bullet 6 June 1959

Sabrina and Stan Freberg 7 June 1959

There's still time to see the Caltex Stan Freberg Show on Astor. Australia's First TV Choice!
See this 1.75 hour long, side-splitting show that you'll remember for ages... brought to you by CALTEX. The show was recorded on miracle Video Tape at ATN before Stan Freberg returned to the United States... you'll see Sabrina too, in startling dimension and crystal clarity on your new Astor TV... the set more people buy!
21" Taper-Line Lowboy, model D8K - 189 guineas.

Bullet 1959

Sabrina advertises slide Bell & Howell projectors in 1959

An historic advertisement featuring Sabrina in Photo Digest, 1959

I love the sneaky and cheeky
"Sabrina demonstrates the world's finest projection equipment"



Of course the ultimate advertisement is Sabrina's TV ad for Caltex!

View the entire trouser-punishing 1961 Caltex Ad

Sabrina in her Australian 1961 Caltex ad

This ad has since appeared on Australian TV on
The Golden Years of Television (1986),
The Gruen Transfer, and
Commercial Breakdown Adults Only
(3 Aug 2010)

Bullet What does SABRINA do when the cameras aren't looking?

Sabrina sells Morley nylons

Alas, this pic from eBay was as close as I could get to this charming ad. I lost the auction.
Even Photoshop and various fractal enlarging plugins couldn't tweak the text enough to make it readable.
But with the sheer power of Brainwork and Beer ™, I got this...

"Yes, this lively TV-film star loves to decorate her own flat, heads for apron and paintbrushes as soon as the day's work is over.

For goodness sake don't ever go and wear nylons when you're painting," laughs Sabrina.
"If you do though, be sure you make them Morley nylons - they take rough treatment better than any others."
Eighteen-year old Sabrina's a busy girl. With one film 'Stock Car' already behind her she's now topping variety bills all over Britain.
For everyday glamour Sabrina chooses "Favourite" (51 gauge, 15 dernier) from the wide range of Morley fully-fashioned nylons.

"I love their peach blossom sheerseam," she says.

Morley nylons stand the strain beautifully.

"Take it from a girlon the go", says Sabrina.
"Morley make the best natured nylons of all!"


Sabrina Tuborg Lager ad

On 1 June 2009, Derek of Denmark wrote:

In the search for some advertising materials I came across your excellent site - fascinating! I wonder if you can help me to help a friend, here's the background.... I'm an honorary member of a motorcycle club in Denmark. The club has its own clubhouse and they have recently refurbished the bar. You can probably imagine that Carlsberg and Tuborg beers feature heavily. They collect old advertising materials for these beers and display them in the bar.

My best friend, and chairman of the club, Jan J, recently told me about a newspaper clipping he has found (see image above). It features Norma Sykes/Sabrina. Because of our firm Danish/English links he is very interested to discover whether Sabrina was involved in any advertising for Tuborg (or Carlsberg), the clipping suggests she was/may have been. If she was, he would dearly love to be able to obtain copies of those advertisements to display in the bar. He asked me if I could do some research for him and of course, I found your site.

I imagine that if Sabrina had made adverts for Tuborg or Carlsberg you would probably know about it. I wonder, would you be able to tell me whether Sabrina appeared in any advertising for either of these beer brands? If she did, if you were able to tell me roughly when that would have been - and if you have any other details - that would help me trace copies of the adverts. If you happened to have copies of any Tuborg/Carlsberg advertisements featuring Sabrina I would welcome the opportunity of discussing how we might obtain copies for the club - they would be delighted and proud to display them. I hope that you may be able to help me and I thank you for your time and assistance. Best regards. Derek

And a few days later he added...

Here's some news from Denmark..... Jan tells me (I don't know his source, I think it is his summary of the news items I'm about to give you)... "She had advertised for Tuborg and Tuborg Gold but not in Denmark, only in England. She was to sexy for the Danish :-(" The sad face is his, appropriate, addition. Having lots of knowledge of such things, Jan tells me that in this clipping Sabrina is holding a Tuborg Gold glass.

The caption below the picture reads... "Norma Sykes was nothing before Tuborg found her in London. Now she is famous as Sabrina." I think we can see a bit of Tuborg PR journalistic licence there! (also, having looked it up the word "ingenting" means 'nothing, a mere trifle', but I think that's a bit harsh, perhaps 'unknown' (as is unknown to the Danes) would be a fairer translation). Jan also sent me this scan. It is the source of the clipping shown above....

I'm not sure where in the article it appears, but Jan tells me that, in the above article, the copy that relates to Sabrina reads... "And then there was Norma Sykes. She was only used in England. The Danish beer people were not happy to use the unknown girl. She was a bit too sexy. She was in English television, where she behaved as another Jayne Mansfield. Recently she has moved to Hollywood. Today here name is Sabrina." The article is from a Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet, 25 of June 1962. Jan's translation may not be completely literal, but it presents the gist and it seems to me they felt that a young lady, so sexy, but relatively unknown in Denmark may not have been quite what they were looking for for their local advertising (I guess people make mistakes ;-)

I hope this is of interest. It seems that Sabrina may have appeared in Tuborg advertising in England, but so far Jan and I have not been able to track it down (hence, asking for your help). It would be great to find it, both as an addition to the clubhouse advertising collection and, it would seem, as an interesting addition to your impressive site. Happy hunting! Best regards Derek

A couple of weeks later, good news arrived...

We have a development! Jan has been in contact with the Carlsberg brewery (now owners of Tuborg) and his contact unearthed a copy of the advertisement where Sabrina is promoting Tuborg. Apparently, she only made the one advertisement for them. Unfortunately we don't have a note of the year, but we do have an image of the ad...... Best regards Derek

And here it is! Thanks to Jan and Derek...

Sabrina sells Tuborg lager

On 30 September 2017, Countess Anastasia of Siberia discovered this familiar image being used to sell stickers in Russia in 2017.



Need to flog a hibiscus? Who better than our Sabrina?

For charm and beauty it's hard to beat SABRINA... the New Double Red HIBISCUS.
Our photograph of world famed TV star, Sabrina, christening the sensational, new Hibiscus named after her.
Developed by and exclusive to Lasscocks "Sabrina" is a double rose-red; it is a very strong grower and is really outstanding.
"Sabrina" is in limited supply — orders are now being taken for November delivery.
Price 12/6.



Sabby doing some quiet promotion.

Sabrina and her Cona coffee maker

Many a girl has been heard to ask "What has Sabrina got that I haven't?" In this instance it could be a "Cona" coffee maker, for our picture shows that young lady being presented with such a coffee maker by Mr. Arthur C. Gray, managing director of "Cona" Limited

Page Created: 28 June 2009

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