Encyclopedia Sabrina (Norma Ann Sykes)

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TV star is seen but not heard

'Pix' (Aust) 10 Nov 1956

BUSTY (39.5in) Sabrina won fame - and a salary greater than that of Britain's Prime Minister Sir Anthony Eden - by simply walking toward a BBC TV camera and turning sideways to dispaly her greatest assets in profile. She didn't say a word. As a matter of fact, she is not allowed to speak in any of her shows. Her undoubted appeal is purely visual though she isn't pretty.

"though she isn't pretty"? Oooh, I could scratch his eyes out! - Ed.

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

Now you can see what won Sabirna (real name Norma Sykes) fame and fortune

This pic also appeared in the '66' book

Sabrina and puppy on Southsea beach

It's a fair bet a gay dog wouldn't be as unmoved as this fellow.

(Huh?! - Ed.)

The shot above also appeared in the '66' Sabrina book

Sabrina signs autographs

Not all Sabrina's fans are adult. Autograph hunters beseige her.

Ten Sabrinapoints if you can spot yourself in the horde of kids! - Ed.

Page Created: 22 May 2008

Last Changed: Sunday 2024-07-21 14:33

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