The Fully-Featured Church of Transport Tycoon
Transport Tycoon (blessed be thy Game) has been around for a long time now. When Lord Chris created it, He was hampered by shortages of memory, CPU power, graphics resolution, and storage space. I wondered what features He might have added to TT if He had had the resources. Below are my ideas of how the game could be made more rich and challenging. Some of these may be impossible to code. Others will change the nature of the game considerably. Consider it heresy if you will. Some might just be interesting ideas for coders out there to implement. Let us pray... |
A new philosophy for The GameOne problem with TT as we know it is that the player is not responsible for much: disasters happen randomly; resources appear and disappear willy nilly; local authorities are like aliens, mysterious and unknowable; the players are not responsible for taxes; vehicles don't need fuel; cities can absorb any amount of resources, regardless of their needs. All the player does is play with his trains. (Are there any female TT fans out there, by the way? Call me) Under these suggested new features, the player will be far more involved in the game world, and face more responsibility for his actions. Another problem with TT is that after a certain level of progress, it is impossible to go bankrupt or even face a significant challenge. Billions in the bank let you buy out any competitor. The game becomes dull and repetitive, and there are so many vehicles in play that it becomes tiresome to maintain them. Changing track types (rail to monorail to maglev) is especially annoying and deters me from continuing a game. My suggestions may enrich the game in its later stages and offer continuing challenges and deeper game play. Note - many or all of these features should be options that are configurable by the player, or automatically enabled by the chosen level of game difficulty. OK. Let's see what TT could be like... |
A whole new era of gameplayThe TT universe runs from 1950 to 2050, which is not actually very long. What if there were an option for TT to begin in 1850? The player would start with horses and carts. That's it. No trains. No motor vehicles. The first building to buy would be a STABLE. (I will try to capitalise new game objects as they are introduced.) The 'vehicles' bought in the stable would be HORSES. The 'carriages' would be WAGONS. There could be maybe 4 different sizes of wagons (corresponding to adding extra carriages to a train.) Naturally, the bigger the wagon, the more horses it would take to move it at any speed. So there might be options for 1,2,4,6 horses in a team. At this stage in game history, towns will be very small, and the player's focus will be very local. There will also be more close attention needed to little details, such as the cleanliness of the streets. A new industry in the 1800s will be the STREET SWEEPER. You see, a huge problem in towns and cities during the age of the horse was what came out of the southern end of the beast. Players will need to build SWEEPER DEPOTS that house the SWEEPER carts that patrol the streets and clean up horse droppings. The graphics could show increasing numbers of brown dots on the roads as uncollected manure piles up. If insufficient cleaning is carried out by the player, traffic will slow down and eventually come to a complete standstill. Also, the player's rating with the local authority (LA) will suffer.
Another new industry could be: the SWEEPER DEPOTS require MANURE and produce FERTILISER that can be taken to FARMS which now accept it and pay for it. There could be new MANURE and FERTILISER vehicles for these occasions. These vehicles will, like the helicopter, become redundant in time. FARMS will grow more productive if provided with fertiliser.
WATER will become a far more important resource in this new TT. Towns will not grow unless water is provided. Towns that lie near a lake or river are exempt, but all other towns and cities need a water source. Perhaps there can be a few 'free' natural wells provided by the game, but the player is responsible for most water provision.
Of course, any horse-powered service will need a STABLE at regular intervals to feed and water the horses, otherwise they slow down and eventually die. I'd love to hear the new sound effect that would depict a dying horse.
Or, not. |
The New Authorities1. LOCAL AUTHORITIES At the moment, the player has little involvement with the Local Authorities (LA): building statues and planting trees improves ratings a little; big demolitions reduce ratings. That's about it. I propose a much closer and deeper relationship between players and LA. So - providing water, and cleaning the streets improve player ratings. The more a player improves the HEALTH of a town/city, the better the LA and the citizens treat the player - and vice versa.
2. THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY Here's a new concept for TT: a federal government. Currently, players do not pay taxes or get affected by worldwide laws. This will change. The Central Authority (CA) laws will govern the entire game-world and will include TAXATION and LEGISLATION: TAXATION. Players will be able to choose how much tax they want to pay the CA. Yes indeedy! The more tax the player contributes (as a percentage of income), the better the CA can provide services such as:
LEGISLATION. This can be a biggy! It will seriously inhibit profit from running to ridiculous and unchallenging levels. No real corporation is immune to restrictive government legislation - and neither should TT companies. I see two main laws that will have big effects. 1. ANTI-MONOPOLY legislation. Currently in TT, a rich player can easily buy out all competitors. It's just too easy. I propose that if a player has a monopoly in the game world (e.g. he is the only player in the world providing coal, oil, water, food, diamonds etc) then he should be severely penalised. e,g. half of the profits from the player's monopolised industry would be taken by the CA to subsidise a competing company. This move would ensure that the player would not want to buy out every competitor in the game. It would provide ongoing and real competition. 2. GREEN legislation. Another biggy. Current TT players pay nothing for the damage they do to the environment and atmosphere. But now the total CO2 emissions from a player's vehicles and power stations will be added up and a stiff carbon tax must be paid on them. The more steam/diesel vehicles and coal power stations a player has, the more GREEN TAX is due. The GREEN laws bring up interesting knock-on concepts:
FUELLING('Fueling' for Americans)Vehicles in TT are currently powered by magic.
This needs to stop for a good, hard game! I propose that in 1850, only horses are used for transportation. They need enough GRAIN and WATER to be produced to supply their needs. Perhaps in 1860, early locomotives appear, but train depots need to be provided with COAL (from coal mines) and WATER (from paid-for wells or natural lakes) before trains can run. Trains consume coal as they run, obviously, so if a train cannot replenish its coal at depots as it travels, it will come to a halt. That should make things more interesting. Alternatively, a train may refuse to start or continue a journey if it cannot get the requisite amount of coal from a depot. Thus, it will wait until coal or water is delivered.
Next, when diesel trains appear on the market, a player may not use them without being able to produce and supply OIL. Perhaps having to supply COAL and OIL to each individual depot may be overkill. An alternative might be that the total coal and oil resources collected by a player need to be sufficient for his complete fleet of vehicles. e.g. he has 100 trains that each consume 10 tons of coal per month. Therefore, he needs to provide 1,000 tons of coal per month from his mines just to power his trains - and of course he gets no profit from selling that 1,000 tons of coal at a power station.
Oh, yes. Airfares will rise as oil becomes harder to find - so the number of airplane travellers also declines over time. And eventually - maybe 2030 - the oil wells run dry. No diesel trucks or trains can continue. When will planes become unprofitable? Would anyone like to predict what transport technologies will be like after 2050? And to reduce the tedium of replacing rail types, automated track and train replacements will be available. But it will take real time to accomplish, so services will be disrupted. Yep, this new fantasy TT world is getting complex. |
NEW DISASTERSWe currently have earthquakes and UFOs. Neither of these is affected by the player's behaviour. That needs to change. A player should be responsible for what he does. So...
So now, disasters are not random. They are usually the result of a player's actions. |
So, that's it so far. As I said, much of this may be impossible to implement, and many classic players would not want it even if it could be coded. After all, it introduces non-transport 'SimCity' features that people may find inimical to the nature of 'Classic' TT. But it was a fun exercise to imagine what TT (or a forked mutant version) might be like. Have fun, and good playing! Bless your ROROs Saint Mark Home |
Page created 11 October 2018 Last changed October 24, 2023 1:00 PM |