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Encyclopedia Sabrina (Norma Ann Sykes)

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Sabrina Greetings

These pictures are postcards in the "Greetings" collection.

The original copies were found on eBay (16 Feb 03), by Sabrinaphile named Alistair. Soon after I posted them here, Dave 'Blunebutton' (obviously a steam-powered fellow Goon Fan and general life form) wrote to say:

They are a set of publicity photos taken in 1955 by Douglas Burn and Philip Gotlop. Gotlop was famous for his "figure photograpy", a euphemism for art photography that was (at the time) considered to be bordering on porn.

Yours with dolly mixtures
Dave S - a.k.a. Blunebutton


Sabrina Greeting You

Found in 2020

Found 2018

A sister-shot, but not apparently used in the 'greetings' card series

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

Added July 2016

Another Greeting from Sabrina

Added October 2013

Greetings from Sabrina on the phone!

Greetings from Sabrina on a chair!

And for completeness, an autographed version, found November 2015

Signed greetings from Sabrina on a chair!

Sabrina - Greetings

VIP members only

Added 10 April 2012

Sabrina Signed Postcard

Sabrina Postcard for VIP members only!

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes
31 May 2008 - a new, bigger, improved copy of greetings1.
1 Nov 09 - got a real postcard to scan

Sabrina Postcard for VIP members only!

The Sabrina Cellophane Greeting Sequence!

Sabrina in cellophane

New in 2022 - Sabrina in cellophane, sitting and happy

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

Improved version: 2009

Sabrina Greetings autographed

And in 2014 we offer this autographed version.

Sabrina - Greetings (cellophane)

Greetings from Sabrina in cellophane

Greetings from Sabrina

Added 2013 - that photographer must have loved cellophane!

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

Greetings from 15 May 1955

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

V.I.P. users only!

Sabrina greetings from a wall in 1955

Added 2024-03-16

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

15 May 1955

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

And a fuller view. 15 May 1955

Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes

And yet another. 15 May 1955

Sabrina Greetings 6 - 1955

And a full-screen Sabrina!

ceguah said: The next two B&W photos are from a pictorial in some British girlie magazine, Spick, Span, whatever. Probably late fifties judging from the text. Bought this mag together with a few more, some featuring Sabrina, in a second hand shop in the mid sixties (in Sweden).

Sabrina - Norma Sykes

The removed caption said:

As most of you already know, Sabrina first leapt to fame on the Arthur Askey TV programme where she played the part of Arthur Askey's Dumb Blonde. Immediately afterwards she hit the headlines and has since become one of the most sought after Pin-up beauties in this country. Her pictures have appeared everywhere in magazines and newspapers etc. She is in constant demand for the opening of bazaars and similar functions. Recently made a film called "Stock Car."

Sabrina - Norma Sykes

There endeth the Greetings series.

Sabrina's rear

A German postcard found on eBay in 2010 which makes one think:
"Does my bum look absolutely GIGANTIC in this?"

While not an official "Greetings" series, it's still a publicity postcard.

Page Created: 28 June 2009

Last Changed: Wednesday 2024-07-24 12:58

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