JUST back in Britain after a four-year world tour, one of the country's shapeliest exports, Sabrina, will be in Brighton on Sunday to greet the winners of the 50-mile Safari race from Streatham Common to the Palace Pier.
And as if that isn't enough, the winning team will receive a 100-guinea prize to be donated to their favourite charity, and the "Call Me Bwana" trophy.
The race, which is being run in connection with the new Bob Hope film, "Call Me Bwana" will be run in 10 stages by 10 teams of 20 runners, each bearing a pretty girl in "safari" dress.
Two teams from Brighton are entered: the Brighton Boys' Club and a team from H.M.S. Sussex (R.N.R.) and both have high hopes of claiming that trophy from Sabrina, who will be assisted by actor Lionel Jeffries .
The times
The race will start from STREATHAM COMMON at 8 a.m. and follows a route through CROYDON (9 a.m.). COULSDON (10 a.m.), GATW1CK (12 noon), CRAWLEY (I p.m.), HANDCROSS (2 p m.) and BOLNEY (3 p.m.).
If the estimated speed of 5 m.p.h. is right, the teams will reach the last change over, at Patcham Sports Ground, at 5 p.m. and the finish will be at 6 p.m.
Change over points in Sussex will be at the Airport Service Station, Gatwick: main traffic lay-by, Crawley by-pass; Handcross traffic lay-by; Bolney cross-roads; Muddleswood traffic lay-by and Patcham.