Holmes would not need his magnifying glass to study the charms of these intriguing "cases."
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED what Sherlock Holmes, the great fictional detective
of London, might do if he were around today? Most of his brilliant deductions
on crime and criminals could be duplicated and surpassed by modern police lab
methods. Perhaps the great detective might turn his deductive powers to other
fields, like the Twentieth-Century phenomenon known as the "glamor model" He
who drew volumes of conclusions from a lady's exposed finger, should
have a field day with today's overly-exposed feminine charmers.
CASE OF THE MISSING BEAUTY. Sabrina, girl to the right, was a top favorite
on British TV screens for many months. Then suddenly she disappeared - was
never seen on another show. Why? "Obvious - the woman had too superior
a frontal development for the conservative-minded British producers-in other
words, she was too sexy."