SABRINA . . . work for a similar figure, girls, and good health can be yours.
GIRLS who are well built are less likely to catch colds than those who are
slim, says Mr Arthur Woodburn, a London MP.
Dieting, dancing too often, working overtime and lack of fresh air also
reduce a girl's natural protection against colds and her resistance
to disease, according to Mr. Woodburn, who was concerned in the setting
up of a centre for tuberculosis research.
Flimsy underwear and too much smoking are other factors that lead to ill-health,
and girls who prefer a cup of tea and a sandwich to a sensible meal are asking
for trouble, he says.
Sabrina has the type of figure girls should aim at, in Mr Woodburn's opinion,
but the British Medical Council aren't so sure.
They say that a "Sabrina trend" could be a bad as well as a good
influence on young girls. "Girls who think they're ill-equipped because
they are not shaped like Sabrina may develop an inferiority complex, and that
would be a bad thing," they say.
"But," the BMA adds, "shapely girls can influence the average
teenager to eat more and so become healthier. The thin, worrying
type of girl who doesn't eat well often gets TB." A doctor at the National
Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis said many girls have the
wrong idea about slimming.
"They don't bother to get medical advice and many of them buy drugs
which are dangerous," he added.
BOYS at Georgia College (U.S.) say their ideal date doesn't drink or smoke,
according to a university poll. She is sweet, dresses neatly, but not
gaudily. She's broadminded and will kiss on her first date.