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1 August 1968 -
T he News – Van Nuys, California
English actress Sabrina has been ordered to pay $250 for night club material she claimed is risqué.
See details in the Sabrina in Court page
Interesting biographical point - Sabrina's address is given as Woodland Hills, which is not far down the road from 7 October's burglary news , or her final address at West Toluca Lake.
1 October 1968 - Daily Mirror
The Department of What are they like now?
FOR TODAY'S Lesson in Anthropology, let a study be made of Sabrina.
Only the lingerie trade will be dismayed.
Ten years ago, with her 42in. bust, this Blackpool girl, born Norma Sykes, was a parody of the Average Woman.
Read more
7 October 1968 - The Los Angeles Times , p.150
This may be spurious, but the LA Times reported that:
Home Burglarized
VAN NUYS - Burglars took two beds, a refrigerator and other items valued at $2,430 from the home of Sabrina Melsheimer at 5432 Calhoun Ave., police reported Sunday.
Note: Calhoun Avenue is just a bit down Ventura Freeway from both Woodland Hills (see 1 August above) and West Toluca Lake , other addresses attributed to Sabrina. |
Release of the movie The Ice
House (apparently made in 1966 and shelved for 3 years.) |
19 May 1969 - Sabrina turns 33 |
4 March 1970 - Australian Women's Weekly
Elsie Webb mentions in a reader's article, "Three weeks as shearer's offsider"...
We always hang a woolpack on the end of the catching pen, suspended by nails like a giant Christmas stocking 5ft high and lOOin around.
Into this we stuff the belly wool, and I really mean stuff! When the bale looks like overflowing we push the wool in, forcing it down with hands and arms, till it is packed quite tightly.
Naturally, the bale has many lumps and bumps, as one can't make it square and neat like the woolpress does. On one occasion it developed a waist- and bustline and the shearers promptly called it "Sabrina," a name which has stuck.
11 February 1971 - The Stage p.4 - Thursday
BLACKPOOL'S own dumb blonde, Sabrina of stage and screen fame, has abandoned her showbiz career to become a full-time housewife.
Now she is married to an American gynaecologist, Dr. Harry Melsheimer, and runs their magnificent home in the Beverley Hills district of Hollywood. Her mother. Mrs. Ann Sykes who still lives at Blackpool, reveals that "Sabby" now 32 completely changed her image when she went to the States in 1966. She had leading roles in a number of major stage productions including "Rattle of a Simple Man" which enjoyed a long run in the film capital.
Sabrina maintains close links with Blackpool and her parents spent a long Californian holiday with their daughter and her hubby about a year ago
June 1971
Dressing Man's
Epic , June 1971 - the first magazine appearance since 1965, and probably
the last until 2003. It turns out the "St Petersburg" in the article was in Florida, not the USSR!
1 April 1972 - Daily Express
A little article about a girl, Julia Breck, who was to appear as a canteen lady in "On The Buses". It says that her ambition was to be considered a serious actress, but "with her Sabrina-like figure, she is constantly cast in comedies." |
19 May 1974- turns 38 |
10 July 1974 - Sydney Sun-Herald
NSW Acting Premier Sir Charles Cutler, lashed out at the South Australian Premier yesterday for campaigning in Sydney for the Labor Party. Sir Charles said Mr Dunstan had "more front than Sabrina" in putting South Australia forward as an example to NSW voters.
25 December 1974 - The Last Hurrah: Sabrina visits
England to appear in This Is Your Life (Season 6, Episode 8) for Arthur Askey.
Thanks to Sir David J for the link to these pix.
NEW! See the video of Sabrina on This Is Your Life (added 25jul2012) |
13 February 1975 - The Canberra Times (page 13)
Statements on the human condition
TONY TWIGG paintings. Abraxas Gallery, 2 La Perouse Street,.Griffith, until March 2.
IN a world grim with apathy, cynicism and compromise Tony Twigg's first one-man show of painting exemplifies' the type of success story one reads about in show-business biographies...
There are 16 works on view, all equally rectangular and imposing in scale. Tony Twigg uses imagery from a world of heroes, and in fact only two are still alive.
There are two paintings of Bob Dylan, two of Sabrina (whatever happened to her?) one of James Morrison, Brian Jones and Piet Mondrian, three of Judy Garland, and six of CheGuevara. So they are mainly paintings about people who either committed suicide or died as a result of alienated situations...
Prices are absurdly low. Irrespective of that they are painted signs about youth today, so go and see them if you can.
Big But Beautiful - Daily Express , 24 November 1976! A very late article!
THE article on big busted girls by Sally O'Sullivan really amused me.. Being the owner of what is known as an "over-sized bosom," I understand the embarrassments well-endowed females experience. ..
August 1976
An unexpected find from September 2014...
Sabrina in 1976, aged 40! This is the latest photo I have ever found!
" The vital statistics are the same, but gone is the brassy image. It's a sleeker, mature Sabrina, in typical pin-up pose today ." |
7 October 1977 - News-Pilot (San Pedro California)
Notice is hereby given that an order dated September 3, 1977 has been issued by the under-signed authorizing the name of the oil screw FANTASIA official number 542 198 owned by Harold Melsheimer of which Los Angeles Long Beach, is the home port, to be changed to:
Marine Documentation
United States Coast Guard
Los Angeles-Long Beach,
Pub.: Oct. 7, 8, 10, 11, 1977
This is weird! Did it happen before or after the divorce? |
1977 - Sabrina and Dr Harry's rocky ten-year marriage ends in divorce, acrimoniously. |
19 May 1977- turns 41 |
20 January 1981
So, it's 1981 and you're heading home on the tube doing the Evening Times crossword...
20 May 1981 - Daily Express
Sabrina, legend that can't be deflated
AGE cannot wither her. Not Cleopatra Sabrina. Sab-who? Sabrina, the 42-18-35 blonde, who, 25 years ago, made the biggest boobs on TV. The girl who could knock over the camera while she was standing a foot away from it.
When they named a road on a swish up-and-coming Worcestershire estate Sabrina Drive, those locals who knew that Sabrina is the Roman name for the river Severn didn't expect a ripple of protest.
19 December 1984 (according
to the LA Dept of City Planning), Sabby moved to North Hollywood. |
Walter Sykes, Sabrina's father, who was born in 1902, died in Blackpool. |
2 March 1986 - Sydney Morning Herald
Watch out for sexy Sabrina!
Remember Sabrina?
Even if you don't, not to be missed on Tuesday night at 10.30 on Channel 10 is the Golden Years of Television . For presenter David Lyle has included an old Caltex advertisement featuring the busty blonde.
It's a real hoot - watch how Sabrina, in skin-tight lame pants and tight sweater, manages to keep herself in profile and smiling without smudging all that lip gloss.
25 January 1995
Sabrina wins a large malpractice settlement against the surgeon who operated on her back. Read the court news . |
13 May 1996
Annie (Anne) Sykes, Sabrina's mother, who was born in 1908 (aged 88), died in California whilst taking care of Sabrina. |
19 May 1996
Sabrina turns 60 |
19 May 1997- Sabrina turns 61 |
At some point, Sabrina has a large tumour removed from her
hip |